Monday, November 27, 2006

News Articles Worth Reading This Week...

Here are some news articles I have been following the past few days.
As I discover new sites I also find new sources of news and information and here are the ones I think are most relevant I have found so far.. All of the articles came from one or more of the sites we have in our Interesting Links list and are freely open for you to view. I dont know about you but as some people have said to me, "I'm not interested if brittney spears gives birth to a three headed frog, I want real news" (Not an exact quote but the same sort of thing)

U.S. Government Spying On Peace Activists

CIA Finds No Evidence Of Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program

The Illuminati World Of Make Beleive

How To Control Americans

Blair indicates policy shift in West's "war on terror"

Blair Admits War On Iraq A Disaster

I will post any further articles I find of relevance as I find them.

Peace Citizens

1 comment:

The Silencer said...

If anybody wishes to see an article they know of added to this weeks News Worth Reading Entry then please feel free to post it here! Thanks guys!
