Monday, November 20, 2006
9/11 & other ideas connecting
What's your take on all this people?
I for one have my own opinions... I beleive that if doing such an act at the cost of over 2000 lives was perceived by the government to be profitable then yes... these people have sparked wars for peanuts... what better way then to have the population beg for tighter control than the fear of terror? Is it the first time the government have put on a costly charade to acheive thier goals? NO! The great governments of the world have attacked thier own before on numerous occasions in order to obtain their own greedy objectives. I doubt this will be thier last.
Lets look at it this way, what value are you to your country? Well to put it simply you aren't.. you are expendable, to the powers that be you are a mere statistic. You are a drone... you work, you pay taxes and you provide the government with money. You're taxed on your wages, you're taxed when you drive, when you make a purchase it's taxed... when you're dead your inheritance is taxed if you leave too much... you are nothing more than a taxable asset. the sad thing is, when you out live your usefullness (approx retirement age) you then become a second class citizen. your healthcare is second best.. because now you are old, you are prone to illnesses, falls, age related diseases etc so now you are a drain... a liabliity.. you are now treated like a broken down old car... treated with the minimum and ready for scrapping. Most likely an illness will strike you down and the best you have to look forward to, (assuming a crack head doesn't break into your home and murder you for $1 worth of rock) is a long wait in some cold hospital on a trolly in a hallway while you die from neglect and lower priority. Sad but this is how things are becoming.
This is how your county perceives it citizens. Ok so you have a road in your street that's dangerous.. you ask you local council / government authority to add traffic calming measures.. what do they do? Do they come straight out and do as thier citizens have asked? (bearing in mind these people are in power to represent us and what we want, essentially we pay thier wages and they work for us) or do they tell you that there have been no accidents, deaths or injuries and that the road therefore does not need traffic calming or safety crossings in place? I know what my government would say...
Not convinced? Ok.. So... A man stabs to death another man waliking in the park... he is caught and sentanced to 25 years to life... another man buys a "throw away" car (one that barely meets road safety for little money) he is unlicenced and uninsured and he hits another man and kills him outright and the driver speeds off. the driver is caught and sentenced to 6 months he does his time and walks free. the family of the victim protests, complains and even fights the courts to overturn and give a longer sentance and to change the law.. the court refuses. They go to parliment the government does not listen... they return with 10,000+ signatures again they do not listen. how exactly is that working for us? Sounds to me like a dictatorship.
So when anyone tries to say its not possible that the government can do this.. then remind them that there is nothing they can't, havn't, wouldn't or couldn't do to get what they want because to them.. you're nothing. If people mattered do you think we would still have poverty and wars in this supposedly civilised world of ours?
Why is it that the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer? Just because you have a TV doesnt make you rich... just realise that unless your loaded... your poor.. in todays world there is no middle class.. only rich and poor.. and having a tv and barely meeting the bills doesnt make you more than one VERY short step away from an ethiopian (offence not inteded; example reference of a poorer country only!).
Ever wondered why things are becoming so pricey? Thats to keep you in check and to stop you rising above yor worth.. soon driving will be a luxuory of the rich only... we are being driven into a duel ply society... The rich controling everything and the poor slaving to make these fat bastards richer... with the poor man living on only the bare essentials... I warn you now that these days are coming.
You can all surf away.. or play your playstations and watch your soapoperas.... these comforts are allowed to keep you all placid and controlled while around you the rest of your freedoms are being removed and a noose placed around your unsuspecting necks.
While you are spending what spare hard earned dollars you might have left a portion of that goes into tax and the other into some large greedy corporations pocket...
Take fassion for example... everyone is peer preasured into buying those designer clothes and that they should be some skinney rake supermodel... who do you think creates this preasure and trends? The afore mentioned greedy corporations, thats who.. well they wouldnt get rich if nobody spent now would they? So we have a nice web going on here... on one side the government taxing... on the other corporations, now bigger than ever offering everything you could ever want to buy.. and you in the middle... as long as you work and spend the world we live in is a happy little place... well thats what they would have you beleive... Infact all this working and spending has an adverse affect oun our planet... So now we see a little more of how things are connected...!!! Oh and look.. theres little old you in the middle... a drone... eeducated to the BARE minimum... too much education gets a little pricey dont ya know.. Preprogrammed into conforming and sent off to replace your father as a gear in some corporations profit machine until its time to scrap you and then your children replace you... and so the endless cycle continues... Man enslaved in the work and spend balance.
weather or not you want to. No work no live... I'm not saying that people shouldnt work... but dont you think its about time this rock pulled together and gave up money and the sole aquistion of wealth and we all started helping each other out?
Money is no longer needed.. it's out dated... Everybody has something they want to do but cannot because of opportunity.. status or some other obscure reason usually boiling down to money... but imagine if we could do what we wanted.. a job we loved with no restircitions in following that path, chances are that person would work because they wanted to rather than having to... if carefully balanced.. everyone could work to help each other... Joe blogs bakles bread... mrs jones cures ham... they both want a sandwhich.. whats the logical conclusion.. he could rob her food but in the long term he would be worse off... Tit for Tatt law shows us this.
And so for now.. I draw my comments to an end as the hour draws ever later...
I'll leave you my friends with this thought....
Why is everyone always depressed and rarely smiles any more yet during World War 2 people were statisticaly happier and morale was higher than it is today?
Good Night Citizens!
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Im with you Silencer. We need to DO more.We need to think,act,and be. If we are not going to care about the world we live in who will?
Silencer I have some ideas about spreading the word. We could make flyers with researchable and verifiable facts pertaining to the matters of 9-11 and the Iraq war.
Maybe we could pool some funds together for a billboard.
Maybe we could include some not so politically correct photos in the fliers for added effect!
First of all who are you, using gmail and everything else Googlistic should be looked down on . Fuck stupid flyers it has to be online, one sure way to go is to put pressure on mainstream media to dig in openly, as long as they ignore the real issues they should be looked down on and let everyone in the USA hear about it bigtime, find a couple of media people that know what really happened and pump them up, once it gets so far the rest of the mainstream media will have to dig in just to survive. Also, do not go easy on politicians just because the Democrats took over, the Republicans and Democrats may not get along very well but as soon as they see something happening that they will both have to go thru they will gang up and crush the competion. Now is not the time to relax, Don't let the Dems think they can do what they want to, they are supposed to be there serving the people not themselves.
Well and good anonymous. In order to get media persons involved we have to do what?
I mean they obviously to this point do not want to air the idea of an independent ivestigation.
I grew up in Miami and theres one thing the cubans taught me. If you want the camaras pointing in your direction you have to make some noise.
A local venture can create a dominoe effect. If we all ,in different locations, create a little noise in our respective areas then the accumulative effect can be huge.
No one hears us typing on our keyboards. This tactic will not work. No one sees us online.
We must organize to br seen and heard.
We must protest.
We must activate where the people are. We could all organize a flier with a chart showing the official line on one side and the alternate view on the other. We could go to wal-marts,federal buildings and hand them out.
We could create excitement and quite a stir if the move was timed properly.
Look Im willing to put my money where my mouth is.\
Lets form a corporation for the truth.
We need a roster. One person could be an artist.Another a spokeman,and another might have a family member involved in PR.See where Im going with this?
We post online and in local newspapers. Eventually the MSM cant ignore us this way.
Cmon people no one is going to hear us unless we take it to the streets!!!
Hey Mr.X... Hey Anonymous...
I think you are both correct in the sense that all outlets of coverage and exposure are good, both online and right down the the humble handed out flier. The more exposure the better. I think like Mr.X has said, that we need to start grouping and organising ourselves. We can start small, online.. getting people involved and interested with video ads, banners, forums... etc.. and see who shows an interest. As we progress we expand into things like rallys, Tv and such.. but first we need to take baby steps and get some people involved and get organised with our goals and resources. I'm not dictating that this should be the way forward, this is of course just my idea of the best way to proceed.. this is obviously open to debate =]
I have some ideas knocking about but as Anonymous has said, a Google email and Blog aren't the best way to shout about them... I'm just waiting to see how many people take an interest in this blog then I'll open up a private forum for us guys that want to get serious about some action.
I think if we pull together and get some serious players onside that we could make an impact!
Your thoughts please guys...
Im ready now.lets get something started. I have been handing out terrorstorm and loose change videos at the tune of $750 of my own money. I truly believe in the cause.
Several people have written me and want to get involved but we have not made a plan of action. How do we start.
I still think we need to take it to the streets,but if you tech savy people out there know of another way Ill support it and work hard.
Silencer, you obviously know a little about setting up web pages. What would it cost to make a site,a center of meeting and communications? Somewhere to direct individuals seeking info. We could also create fliers to print off the site so our materials are unuversal.
Get back to me when you can!!
Hey buddy... I could have something basic paid for by friday... and hopefully a basic install by saturday night.. we'ld have to talk features through and decide on a board to use but I have hosting with plenty of space... just a matter of a domain name...
If we keep it simple, (as its only a point of contact and not trying to sell a Chrysler lol) We should be ready to start posting by sunday morning to sunday afternoon. I'm well with you buddy.. I admire your eagerness.
Thanks for the support on the lose change comments board.. appreciate it! I notice some of the posts I made in between yours are missing lol
Once we have our board in place there will be no more of this =]
But back the the topic.. yeah, we should be good to go by Sunday =] I'll obviously try for sooner but I'll say sunday to give me a margin for error.
How much Money support do you need? What can I do to help?
I could wire some cash via western union if you need it.
We need to set up spomething that has a detailed timeline of the official report and then a side bar comparison to present issues that have de-bunked the official story.
Some things that NIST and FEMA have reported have been altered for example.
NIST and 9-11 commission did not mention WTC7 or blatant insider airline stock trading.
Dont be in a rush. This needs to be different and real. Its for the people,its for the truth not profit.
Wouldnt hear of it... The site wont cost that much buddy... I was thinking maybe put up something basic.. but use a good foundation board with upgrade possibilities later, that way we have somewhere private to discuss thgings too. I'll have a look later at whats available to best suit our needs... We'll need to get our heads together and bounce some ideas off each other... Ideally we could use another person with web skill as mine are only intermediate at best.. eventually we'll need to recruit other staff volunteers as the need arises.. people good at research, design etc.. just as you said in one of your comments..
OK. But my offer still stands. If the need arises I can provide monetary support.I could also help in the research dept.
Thanks buddy... I'll take a rain cheque! We may need help later down the line =] I'll put you down for research, not a problem and anything else you can contribute would be good.
Well for now, if it sounds good, we can use this blog as a point of casual contact, and to get other people involved then I guess we can take it from there... again I'm sure your research will prove usefull to this blog also if you would like to post it here of course.
I've had a thought about where to start.. and if I were to have us a basic board up by the time I said.. we could use that for ourselves for now for private contact, as I'm sure you are aware there are things best not said on a public comments board =]
From there we can adapt it to our needs around us and you can get involved and see the board developing... I think it would be alot easier to share input and ideas that way... I deffinately feel we would be able to communicate ideas with the board better if we were both singing from the same hymn sheet...
What are your thoughts buddy?
I think we should dwell on the facts that carry the most weight. If we start on the "planes didnt hit the Wtcs, then we get lumped with the wackos.
(1) The fact that identical "training ops" were occuring on the same day as both 7/7 and 9/11 are critical .
(2) The insider trading with airline stocks is a sure giveaway to foreknowledge by someone with market ties.
(3) The fact that the 9-11 commission did not even mention WTC 7 is another issue. Some people I talk to do not even know that a 47 story building fell that day.
(4) The fact it took 441 days for the Bush administration to engage in an investigation and appropriated at the start only 3 mil$.
(5) Too much time elapsed without intervention by the USAF between the WTC and pentagon incidents.
For the sake of arguement itself,I hear many naysayers who do not want to believe or cant believe that the gov had any hand in it.
We can attack that with one train of thought.
If the government had no hand in the incident of 9-11 then they were totally incompetent. That in itself calls into question the eelment of accountability.
Only an independent investigation/inquiry could put an end to this.
What is with people today? What is so terrible about having an independent investigation in the first place.
I like your thinking! One thing that struck my mind was how bush didnt react when he was notified of the attack... Infact he had to be promted to respond if memory serves...
I think they made a good point of that in Scarey Movie 4 so we know some people noticed it lol
I totally agree that we dont need wack jobs clouding the issue with hear say... We need to sepperate the wheat from the chaffe and get to the core of the facts as best we can and use the unanswered and unacceptably answered questions to get peoples attention..
I deffinately see how billboards would serve that purpose as you stated earler. Right in thier faces!!!!!
Let me tell you I tried to get a billboard but the guy who ownes it was absolutely terrified to let me post anti-official 9-11 info.
I remember he said" Ive got kids to feed,the government might come after me'
What has America become.I was thinking we havent only lost or freedoms but also our balls!!
Anyways Im sure we could find a high traffick billboard somewhere if we really looked hard.
We could make a placcard style billboard.Official story one side.Alternate story based on undisputed facts on the other. Let the billboard make people think for themselves and say I didnt know that blah blah blah.
Like I said websites are great but we need to get out into the streets.
Be heard or be herded.
Damn right! But theres more than one way to obtain space on a billboard my friend ;) I have an idea that would throw the governments own tactics against them.. infact its postively humerous and re-usable without the billboard owner receiving any comeback =]
Again, best discussed in private..
How do we correspond secretly and securely? Now you have me wanting to know more!!! Im game!!!
hehe... When I get the forum up in basic mode this weekend I'll reveal all =]
Silencer heres a couple more good websites for interesting sites listing: which is the sister site of I know this is a blog but casey has some good stuff here.
Thanks Mr.X... I was on infowars earlier as well, getting the stream info so as to add it to the blog.. people can now listen to alex jones radio stream here =]
I'll deffinately put the sites you reconmended into the vids list...
Fanatik-J posted a few new ones too, which I will post up with yours tomorow first thing.
The link you sent that's another blog.. thats fine buddy... I value everyones angle and thoughts so blogs are cool! Nothing in my oppinion should be discounted...
As for me... It's late again and I'm off to find my bed... if I can remember where I parked it? lol....
I'm gonna put on one of the new vids I haven't watched yet and sink back into a nice hot drink and a cigarette and let my mind absorb input then off to sleep so this will be my last post for tonight...
So I'll step off my podium for now lol.. and catch all you good people tomorow!
And so...To those of you still awake and researching I bid you good night and happy awakening...
And to you Mr.X I bid good night untill tomorow!
Again.. if you're still around after I go and you find anything at all of interest... please feel free to post it =]
The more info the better as you well know!
Alright, I just left a coupla links for the silencer over there but I guess I'll go ahead with this link over here, you guys seem pretty pumped, o.k., be very decent with these guys and maybe silencer can even ask their advice on some things, now, I would rather a lot of people buy DVD's for there full price so the guys that put them out in the first place have the money to put out MORE NEW MOVIES, BUT, you can go to THIS SITE and get any of these burned DVD's for $1.00, yes that's one dollar and on top of that they don't want the money until you get the DVD's and are satisfied, THIS IS TOTALLY LEGAL, they have special permission from all of the movie makers, now tell me that's not dedication! One of the points of them doing this is so people will order larger quanities and give them away, I need to reiterate, be cool with them and show them complete support.
more links.... can't help it....
News....... Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007 in here.
Hopefully you don't have these in your area, although they are all over(trucks)at bottom of page. They watch Americans.
silencer, if your wanting a new website and you get some funding check this site out, ready to go templates....
Hey thanks buddy... as soon as I get five mins I will check them out... I want to give them my undevided attention and not just a passing glance so I will view them when I can devote some real time to view them!!
I appreciate your posting!!!!
I'm going to go see about setting you up a section here within this blog... I will post back soon!
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