"We want freedom!", "We need to fight!", "Someone should stop this opression and tyrany", "Remember what Bush said: you're either WITH us or AGAINST us....", "Please stop the Bush Administration people. Its terrible what they are doing and what they've done.",
Just a few quotes from various video comments....
So.. who are we waiting for to save us? Superman? Don't you people realise that the only person going to save anything is yourselves?
You can either keep on writing pointless comments for god knows what reason or go do something about it... My god you people havn't a clue how to even muster yourselves into a group, so how the hell do you expect to stop such powerfull men? What a joke! Its like your all waiting for someone to lead you like sheep.. Obviously some people havn't woken up as much as they think... Dont some of you get it..? Waking up means to be able to think and act for yourselves... Have you all been lead around on nose leads for that long you cant remember what it is to fucntion off your own backs without instruction or leadership?
You really think you have a hope in hell of fighting this thing when your still attatched to it? What do I mean by attatched to it.. well you all still seem to have to be lead about and thats what got us all in this mess in the forst place.
Let go and help yourselves.. While you're busy doing god knows what it is youre all doing.. these people will establish themselves and be goose stepping all over your asses before you even realise it.
At the end of the day if you want chage badly enough then you'll all leave the comforts of your warm semi's and step away form your monitors into the outside world and work for it. You think theyre just gonna fall over at the power of the words you type on a google comments board and lay down and say.. "Oh I'm sorry.. we were wrong and we see now you dont want a third reich".... hahahahahah yeah right...!
The short and sweet of it is...
You Want Freedom? Then Get Off Your Fucking Asses And Work For It..
It aint gonna hand itself over now is it....
Or STFU and live in the third reich!!!!!
Zeig Heil!
Friday, November 24, 2006
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Well, for those people that don't even begin to know where to start fighting I plan to put together another blog entry for tomorow or saturday detailing where, when, how and what you can do to involve yourselves in the fight for freedom you all seem to be speaking so freely of.
It isn't just going to happen itself.. someone has to make it happen!
You have all done well in getting this far why stop now? You have partially woken up.. some of you are still confused.. others not so confused but you all need to organise yourselves and your standpoints and start acting... too much time talking and flapping and the time to act will come and go!
Don't wast the chances you have! I don't really fancy my great grandchildren working in The SS!
Im ready! We need to organize now!
The gov is alresdy beginning to infiltrate the media,blogs and any function where dissent is occuring.
I think they know the pulse of the country is turning against the powers that be.
However you are right silencer we must take aaction now! Ive been saying it for years.If we dont things will conntinue to slide downhill/.
Hey buddy.. good to see you about!
I guess I sounded a little pissed huh? lol..
It just seems to me that most have lots to say but little balls and no action...
We should be meeting local people.. encouraging others to listen and ask questions and not be affraid to ask them... we should be voicing our oppinions to anyone who has half an interest..
we should be burning these videos and handing them out to people... I mean, whats the price of 50 cd's to make a few VCDS? or fifty DVD's to make 50 DVD copies..
It costs very little and maybe some time but think of the people your waking up.. if out of those fifty films only 1 person takes an interest, isnt it still 1 person?
The government play things by numbers and so should we, after all we are the people that are merely statistics so we should make our numbers count... for US!
we shouldnt be waiting to be lead or for the fight to find us.. we should be brining the fight to them!
I don't know.. it just seems like no one cares.. they say they care but I dont see any sign of it... =[
If I have to fight alone I guess thats how it is.. I'd rather go out fighting for something I beleive in than live opressed with nothing to beleive in!
Come one guys before it's too late!
Its good to see your still in for some Mr.X .. I'm with ya all the way!
I'm going to start making some local contacts after christmas and see who I can get to help pass out films and fliers whatever else we can think of to open peoples eyes..
That billboard Idea will deffinately come in for good use!!!
Once I get into some action I'm gonna try and post some vids and photos.. perhaps it might motivate people but I highly doubt it.. I mean Alex jones is out there fighting away on our behalf and I dont see half of this lot shifting to hold his back...
One other thing thats been concearning me is that.. well, its not just America this affects really is it.. yet most people seem to be under the impression that its all about the US... NWO doesnt mean New American Order it means New WORLD order.. GLOBAL!
We gotta start bring this to other countires doorsteps cos as far as I am aware people seem oblivious to this fat...
Just an observation...
Dont lose heart Silencer.Remember when Washington took a stand only 3% of the colonist supported him!
Most people know the government is lieing or misleading the people on many fronts.
I believe not alot of people will join at first in action for fear of reprisal.Think about it silencer if the gov comes after you , you must be willing to go underground the rest of your life.
I cant tell you why over the net but lets say Im one of the few with no fear of giving my life for the sake of the many.
I definately have no fear of government and will fight tyranny till the death.
Patriots are always few and far between in the beginning of the fight.
Dont lose heart.
We are now two.Two is better than one.More will join if they see courage.
Real men follow courage.Remember that.
I spent $750 already on videos. I handed them out in front of walmart.The police came and threatened me. I went to court for a permit and was denied.I went back with 320 more videos and was arrested on Monday. My bail was $500!
I go to court December 13. This is the price you must be willing to pay and I am willing.
Just so you know Im glad to have made aconnection with you.Two are better than one as I have said.
My advice to you is to obtain alternate ID. The will arrest you if you try and wake up the people.They will Silencer I know and Im warning you that the worm is deep in the apple.
Well buddy... If it turns out that its just you and me on that day of days.. I'll be glad to know that someone with some guts was out there trying to make a difference!
Some years ago.. I applied for a job in the military... and backed out when I couldn't think of a valid reason to go and fight.. I didn't beleive in anything that my government and country stood for...
But this is a cause worth fighting for...
I'm not scared to fight.. if it came to civil uprising.. Im prepared to defend my land, liberty and freedom at any cost!
As I may have mentioned.. better to go out for something you beleive in than to stay and live for something you don't!
I agree.. just for talking like this theres probably a law that says we are terrorists... well If you listen to bush and his "If your not with us" crap then we are..
Just another excuse to go after anyone who doesnt do as there told.. so its war or we come for you because if you dont want war you must be a sympathiser basiclly... Oooh look, Sympathiser.. wasn't that a term used alot in WWII???
I got some news on the forum also.. I wont be able to do much till monday as I have had some issues that required my urgent attention this week, things I couldn't get out of, so I'll be attending to the forum over the weekend and into Monday. Plus I got a couple of things to catch up with on this blog.. a few things I promised other readers I would mention etc...
No problem. keep me up to date with the forum developements.
We probably are raising issues that the government wont like. Remember fear is their primary weapon and if you have an absence of it then you have personaly won half the battle.At least we die with our own mind and on our own terms.
The day is drwing near.
The arab world will rebel and oil production will be cut thus causing a collapse of the dollar.
Ther will be panic and the sheep who are caught off guard will be sorry.
Listen I have plenty of supplies and fresh water source. A generator and 345 gallons of petrol.
I know how to work the land. Ive been hunting and fishing since I was 4 years old.
Im ready buddy.As ready as anyone can be I suppose. Keep an eye on economic indicators closely. Especially a run on the US dollar. That will be the beginning of the troubles.
Will do buddy...
Glad to hear you're well clued up and ready!!...
Another thing to watch is local bases for unusual activity!
Shame the sheep refuse to be educated to other possibilities instead of that spoon fed garbage... Ahh well you cant convince them all.. they will find out.. Thats when they will wish they had listened!
Don't worry buddy.. I'm as prepared as a person can be too.. if it comes to going underground then thats what must happen..
A small price to pay!
A couple of links for everyone to check out....
EFF is a nonprofit group of passionate people — lawyers, technologists, volunteers, and visionaries — working to protect your digital rights.
If you haven't ever seen this sight you have been missing out. Link up to this sight yourself, it is an open sight no longer owned and operated, just archived, read this guys stuff, pretty wild. I could go on and on about this sight.
Anonymous emailing between each other.
Send with this one.
Receive hear. (nothing personal)
Computer privacy help.
Photos of all kinds of stuff.
Enough for now, if you would like more just let me know.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside.
If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
~ Abraham Lincoln
There's that wonderful quote by a guy called Pastor Niemoller, who was arrested in Germany by the Nazis and thrown in jail, where he said:
"First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist, so I said nothing. Then they came for the Social Democrats, but I was not a Social Democrat, so I did nothing. Then came the Trade Unionists, but I was not a Trade Unionist. And then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew, so I did little. Then, when they came for me, there was no one left to stand up for me."
And this is the way they play it. They defy people. They put people in fear of speaking-out, or exposing what's going on, and therefore they don't. And they just pick-off different sections of society, one by one, while the rest of society sits there and watches. And then, eventually, they pick-off the watchers, because there's no one around to speak-out for the watchers, because the active people have already been dealt with.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.
~ Benjamin Franklin
(This next one bothers me because I know that's how things go, but, this guy does some work for them.)
The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate
-Noam Chomsky
WOW, thanks for your comments.. I'll deffinately be checking out those links!
Nice of you to come by and poist.. THANKS! Your welcome back any time and it would be nice to see more of your thoughts!!! We encourage anyone with an oppinion to post thier comments!
With regards to this quote you posted
(This next one bothers me because I know that's how things go, but, this guy does some work for them.)
The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate
-Noam Chomsky
Funny you should post that because I thought exactly the same! The more we argue about it the more clouded things become and so the shrowd is applied.. well that my basic interpretation anyway..
Thanks for dropping by buddy... come back anytime! I'd love to hear more of your thoughts!
silencer needs to give me my own page on his site.
You wanted something, well, here it is.
How not to do things.......
How to organize
a resistance movement...
If you agree that life, liberty, and property should be the right of every citizen, then you probably already realize that surveillance and suppression by government goon-squads is incompatible with these three basic human dignities.
Getting involved. Organizing and activating your own resistance movement can be an exciting and rewarding experience – especially if you yearn to do something meaningful about the unfairness you observe around you every day.
Like the heroes and heroines of the American revolution, you may choose to answer the call to idealism and sacrifice.
If you love your country but fear your government, becoming an underground activist may give you the mechanism you need to start making a difference.
Becoming aware. As the saying goes, freedom is sustained by three boxes – the ballot box, the jury box, and the ammo box. Unfortunately, more and more concerned citizens are becoming increasingly alarmed by what they see as the dangerously weakened condition of the ballot box and the jury box.
Reliable sources. The article you are reading is based on information obtained from our contacts in a number of resistance movements. The information in the article is also based on official counter-insurgency training manuals leaked by our contacts in intelligence agencies and security services.
This article is intended as an introduction to organizing and activating a resistance movement. Other articles and tutorials at our Web site can provide you with hands-on skills.
NOTE – Silencer does not endorse, recommend, or suggest that you commit any illegal act. This article is provided for information, education, entertainment, and research purposes only.
Step 1: Create your commando...
1. Become focused. Get a sense of direction and purpose. Create a leadership team. Develop a strategic plan, an order of battle, or a manifesto. Start building the commando leadership cadre. As the saying goes, plan your work and then work your plan.
2. Become invisible. Go underground. Create an identity that cannot be traced, located, or discovered by the authorities. Adopt a nom de guerre. Become independent by being self-funding and self-supporting. You can continue to live your normal life if you wish, but you must have an underground persona for your resistance work. Your normal life can provide cover for your underground life.
3. Set up communications. Establish secure methods for one-way communications. You'll need to communicate with the population, with the media, with the authorities, with other cells, and with other resistance movements. Set up anonymous cyber-cafe email accounts. Set up dead-letter boxes in your neighborhood. Acquire anonymous prepaid calling cards for telephone communications. Develop skills in elliptical conversation.
4. Recruit members. The longer you've known them, the better. Encourage them to establish cells. Whenever a cell has more than ten members, divide the cell. Then form circles from groups of cells. Appoint circle leaders. Communicate with the circle leaders (but also maintain some direct links to individual cells for sensitive operations). Form sections from groups of circles. Appoint section leaders.
Each person in the
general population will
fall into one of six
possible categories –
activist, supporter,
sympathizer, undecided,
collaborator, or
Step 2: Become active...
1. Begin propaganda. Inform your cells about the misinformation campaigns of the authorities. Also inform the general population. The authorities will spread lies about you, about your group, about your motives, and about your actions. This is standard operating procedure for a corrupt and repressive government.
2. Begin defensive operations. Assist persecuted persons by warning them, by hiding them, or by providing escape routes. You can also assist persecuted persons by publicizing the repressive actions of the government's goons. Expect the goons to react.
3. Begin political operations. Inform the general population about how to behave towards the authorities. For a typical resistance movement this may include civil disobedience, non-fraternization, protest, non-cooperation, and so on. Each person in the general population will fit a profile – activist, supporter, sympathizer, undecided, collaborator, or traitor. A government's terror campaign of no-knock warrants, confiscation of property, national ID cards, secret internment camps, corrupt officials, etc. will move people's attitudes along this continuum. Most people will start out undecided – you want to convert these people into sympathizers, supporters, and activists.
4. Begin counterintelligence operations. Isolate informers, agent-provocateurs, moles, passive-aggressive types, toadies, collaborators, cowards, honeypots, and so on. Ostracize these individuals so they cannot damage your resistance movement. Instruct the general population to shun these individuals. Distribute their identities and modus operandi to all cells.
Step 3: Begin guerrilla operations...
1. Go on the offensive. This may involve lawful action like protest, civil disobedience, tax resistance, a letter-to-the-editor, work slowdown, embargo, consumer boycott, agitation, silent non-cooperation, noisy non-cooperation, unprovable minor acts of sabotage disguised as oversight or accident, ostracizing employees of government agencies, setting up alternative self-sufficient communities, and so on. In addition, however, a typical resistance movement in today's world often undertakes unlawful operations like terror, sabotage, assassination, and seccession.
2. Enforce cooperation. A resistance movement will often need to use counterterror to intimidate traitors, collaborators, and informers. The goal is to make it dangerous to cooperate with the authorities.
A typical successful
resistance movement
goes through phases –
passive resistance,
active resistance,
guerrilla warfare,
open insurrection,
and civil war.
About your long-term strategy...
According to the official counter-insurgency training manuals of various intelligence agencies and security services, a successful resistance movement always follows the same sequence of events.
First comes passive resistance. This eventually leads to active resistance, which in turn leads to guerrilla operations. This escalates to open insurrection by insurgents – which inevitably results in civil war.
This process can be interrupted at any stage by a government willing to make concessions to the population. Unfortunately, however, the antisocial bureaucrats behind repressive governments are rarely willing to compromise on their policies.
Strategic resistance. A typical resistance movement uses both active and passive resistance until the situation deteriorates to a point when urban guerrilla warfare can be initiated.
Guerrilla warfare. As the situation becomes more volatile, a typical resistance movement uses hit-and-run guerrilla tactics until open insurrection can be initiated.
Insurgency. As the government begins to lose control of significant elements in the country, a typical resistance movement will use the insurrection to provoke civil war. It then uses civil war to force fundamental change in society.
NOTE – Silencer does not endorse, recommend, or suggest that you commit any illegal act. This article is provided for information, education, entertainment, and research purposes only.
Damn, It's like you've read my mind!!!!
I will comment further in this post and I will deffinately look into a section for you to post! I'll let you know more in a few hours. I have a few family commitments to attend to in an hour or so, so I'll be unavailable for a short while... But I will post back here when I return! In the mean time I Urge my readers to take note of the above comments by V, which I will add to a headline blog post when I get back.
These are comments I would have said myself but V has put it in much more detail and given a brillitant example of how to form yourselves and act! I couldn't have put it as nearly as clear and concise as you V, thanks for that!!!
I'll be back later people!
Anonymous or V that was amazing.I have a few questions. Theoretically how do you change your identity.
I am aware of some good"novelty ID,license" but if stopped by police will find them out.
I mean if I was "theoretically wanting to go underground" ,untraceable,or off the grid.
what would I do first. What if I wanted to maintain a normal life under a false id and start some trouble as well?
I know our sysytem is linked by social security/DMV. Lets just say I know how to make a living underground but what about the occasional traffick ticket or police checkpoint?
How do I erase the old me and become a new person on the grid?
Hi Silencer!!
As always Im ready to fight for truth and real freedom..............
Silencer does not endorse or recommend the commission of an illegal act. This blog and its related materials is for educational/infirmative purposes.
Mr X, I have or am planning to email you regarding the issue of ID... I'm pretty sure V hasn't posted a response to this because of the sensitivty of such information. I may be wrong but it seems logical to me that we don't want to comment openly on techniques... Big brother is always watching.. Well thats what i keep telling myself.. I'm either 100% right or 100% wrong, If I'm the latter.. all well and good but I'd prefer to keep safe :D
Anonymous, I have set up a linked blog... you will need to have an email in order to access it. Just let me know when you want me to add you to it's account and its done.
First of all you guys are in a different time zone,(the two of you are in th same time zone out of everyone on the face of this planet, hhmmmmm, interesting.) (.....silencer needs to give me my own page on his site.
You wanted something, well, here it is.
How not to do things.......) That's mine the rest is not, again, it's in here.... http://exitthematrix.dod.net/books/SpyCounterspy/
That stuff you think is so great is just the tip of it, if you would have checked out that link... da.... copy-paste, then you would have seen it clearly.... and GUYS you won't be able to dig into my ego to pull me anywhere........ LINK...... http://www.google-watch.org/jobad.html
You can still search in google justdon't let them know it's you.
If you're not ready to go when you take off you will crash...... getting pumped is good but's that's only half the game.
You wouldn't happen to be Daniel Brandt would you?
Who's digging at ego's?
Thanks anonymous!!!!, Im checking the site now its great. Check it out silencer!
"If you're not ready to go when you take off you will crash...... getting pumped is good but's that's only half the game"
Thats why Im consulting with someone who knows what to do!!!'
Again thank you!!!.
26 November 2006 22:07:00 GMT
I think anonymous thinks we are spooks siencer!
The only thing spooky about me is when I wake up!!Hehe
Thanks anonymous you have been a great help,however the counter spy site gives no info on ids or changing IDs.
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