Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Take a minute.......
Words on thier own mean something... words and images show a bigger picture...
Take a minute to see mine...
Imagine if one of these poor people were somebody close to you.... Imagine starting your day, waking up next to your loved one, going about your normal morning routine.. unsuspecting of the unspeakable tragedy that is to unfold... only later to hear that this morning when you wolk up together and ate breakfast that it would be your last.. I can only imagine how much these people pain for that morning back again.
I cannot help thinking when I see such painfully moving images and videos how I would feel if I was one of those waking up to have my last moments with my loved one. What if it had been your Wife or Girlfriend.. What if it had been my Daughter or Son?
Don't you think these people deserve more answers than questions and lies? These people never knew what was or did hit them but somebody knew it was coming... What were they sacrifised and slain for... YES SLAIN DAMN IT!
I find it hard to beleive that for a second time a training scenario was played out on the same trains, on the same stations, on the same times and then WOOOPS it happens... a little to reminicent of 9/11 AGAIN.. how much fricking evidence do you people need?
The powers that be are so arrogant and confident they leave us clues to torment us...
Coincidence that all the buildings fell as precise as they did during the horrible 9/11 incident? Ok.. Coincidence that there were training drills going on for such an Aircraft related disaster then Whooops it comes true....
Convieniently the normal security measures were down when it happened... then we have 7/7
Coincidence that a training exercise was ran covering just that eventuallity on the same trains and stations at those same times and Whoooops it happens...
You are diliberately tormented with these coincidences because, like serial killers these guys like to taunt, leave clues.. hell they probalbly have more trophies than Bundy ever did. They know they're untouchable which is why they do it... They don't leave enough to be caught but enough to taunt the public and they know they will get away with it becasue narrow minded people that vote them in will beleive any old twoddle they are spun.. and proof of that is the fact that they still run the show.
These people have thier own club so it seems... It wouldnt surprise me if 9/11 wasnt a bet between powering sides like in that Eddie Murphey film trading places, the duke brothers make a dollar bet and play with a mans life for fun.. See where I'm going with this. These people are so powerfull that they litterally control the world becaus they control the money within it.. and with money power can be brought and these people have plenty of both.
look for yourselves.. theres a trail of lies, deceipt and corruption leading all the way up to the leading government buildings most of the documents that suppport this come from thier own agencies.. again probably a taunt but only ever enough to put people who dare to question what they are told on the right track.. again knowing they are only leaving that much.
Come on people cant you see this? They're rubbing it in your faces....
Have you ever tried complaining in a shop or store... does anyone genuinly give a toss about your complaint? Do they hell as like.. thats because no one cares anymore because nothing gets done about it anyway... you might think thats's unrelated but small stores lead back to big stores and large corporations and they lead back to the money men backing them and thier whole agenda is control and profit.. and they dont care what you think.. if you complain.. theres 10,000 people that didnt so why should they listen???
I know this isn't what I planned to post but I watched the above video memorial again and it made my blood boil to think that these people died at the hands of the people we elected to watch over us. We all know what Iraq is about... OIL.. there isn't and never were WOMD found... Strange that the person from the UK who absolutely assured us they existed without a doubt killed himself... Yeah right.. He got Silenced...
Lots of good people have been silenced to make way for the NEW THIRD REICH which as we all know is just a reformed version of the one that never went away.
Think about what I have just said Citizens...
Your comments, as always, are welcomed and encouraged wether for or against.
Please people think about what were trying to do... we arent trying to convince you this is exactly how this unfolded only that it IS possible!
Its just a matter of looking beyoned what you are told, and all we are asking you to do is simply that.
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Thats really sad. I also remember the first time I heard about the "training excercises" going on 7/7 and 9/11. There is no coincidence here. This was an inside job.
Exactly my friend.
Coincidence is 2 butterflies with identical markings.. not two training exercises that strangely come true Identically to the letter.. I smell more than a rat... and I dont live near a farm but I deffinately smell BULLSHIT!
Great blog you have here, Silencer. Please consider adding The Men Who Killed Kennedy and Black Ops Drug Trafficking to your recommended videos list. Both are on google.
Thanks fanatic-j... I will find the videos and add them to the list ASAP!
Its good that people are adding vids to the list because we will have a good extinsive reference point of info, not only for myself but for everyone "Waking Up"... I know theres a couple of vids in the list I havn't seen yet but plan to watch in bed tonight as I often do most nights... yes I live and breath government hatred... Sad isnt it =[ I wish I could love my country more.. well having said that I do love my country I just hate the fools that run it (Into the ground for theier own greed)
On a brighter note... i'm glad you stopped by.. remember youre more than welcom back any time.. and any time you have an oppinion.. Post it =] Nothing gets deleted here or edited so your comments will remain intact...No matter what view you have.
Thanks again fanatik-j.... Hope to see you around more!
P.s It will be easier later down the line when the forum becomes available because you will be able to write out your own articles and posts rather than having to add comments to existing ones =]
Glad you like the blog buddy... Don't forget to spread the word! The more we "Awaken" The stronger we are and the more we are, with enough people.. they HAVE to listen... they cant whack everyone... can they?
Dont worry silencer some of us can "whack" back.Hehe. Whats up fanatic-J!
fanatik-j, Part 2 Of The Men Who Killed Kenedy seems to be missing... If you can locate the link to it and post it please.
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