Saturday, November 25, 2006

The United States Of Dictatorship..... Your Papers Please!!....

People.... PEOPLE!
This isn't just a USA thing.. this is GLOBAL! I read a comment today about My reply is so what we impeach bush.. theres another just like him waiting in thew wings to carry on where he left off, ready to forfill the wishes of the "Dark Ones"... This isn't just about bush, 90% of the world leaders are corrupt and tainted... If not all of them. So what exactly is going after bush alone going to do??? You gotta srtike at the heart of the beast, just severing one of its many heads isn't enough.. Yes its a start I suppose but a waste of time when they will only replace him with a pre selected candidate groomed for the purpose of being the NWO's puppet.

I don't have all the answers but I can spot a useless cause when I see one...
Guys remember this is a worldwide issue with NWO all over the place with thier fingers in EVERY SINGLE PIE there is... They control the GLOBAL economy.. not just the U.S. one... Hasn't anyone been paying attention...??

Wether you like it or not we ALL have to fight together as a global community or it's just going to be a hinderance or an itch to them and nothing more. You're going to have to work with people you might not like, you're going to have to form alliances with people you might not want to, but that's what mutually beneficial co-oporation is about. We gotta put aside our petty squabbles and deal with the real issue.. at present, the ONLY issue as far as I'm concearned!
While everyone is off bitching about Race, Jobs, Bills etc you aren't paying attention to the real issues which is exactly what they want.. distract you and take control... Slight of hand!


MR.X said...

All of those issues you list are wedge issues. Designed to keep attention away from the real issues of importance.

Any news on the forum Silencer?

The Silencer said...

Hey Mr. X... I'm testing out some possible candidates buddy, for a good site...
I'm looking for something with lots of features that we can use / activate as we need and that is easy to use =]
Ideally we want something media compatible, newsletter features etc.. and GOOD security.. obviously nothing is totally secure but we dont want to make things easy. ;)

Casey, thanks for visiting and commenting!
The picture is just symbolic.. Uniting Nations is what we should be doing... it's more of an ideal than anything...
While were busy fighting amongst ourselves, attrocities are taking place left right ansd centre... we are just too busy fighting amongst ourselves, directing our efforts in the wrong places =[

Hope that's answered your enquirie buddy!!