Saturday, November 25, 2006

Iraq For Sale... Watch It!!!!

I have been asked by one of our many readers to make a post about what I consider a real eye opening video report. I have only just gotten around to doing this because I hadn't watched the video until last night and couldn't really comment untill I had watched it (incase some of you havn't noticed we have links to over approx 20 hours of educationial eye opening videos) I myself have only watched around 90% of the ever growing footage.. I try to watch at least one video a night.
These videos have been made for your benefit so that you can see the other side of the coin.. every story has two sides.. in this case we have the spoon fed garbage we are forced to swallow daily by the spin doctors, the media and the propagander machine... and then we have the questions that wont be answered.. the small details that go unexplained... And they wonder why were suspicious.. The narrow minded sheep would have you labeled as a conspiracy nut but they wont answer the questions before them.. instead they result in name calling and cheap insults (and insults on our inteligence) They would rather you not notice these indescrepencies and ask questions but would instead rather that you swallow what you are told without thinking for yourselves like good drones.. and up to now it has worked... NOW people are waking up and asking these questions and they don't like it...
We ask you to watch videos and read more info and if you dont.. well tough luck when the shit hits the fan, you had the chance... they tell you it happened how they said it did or you must be against them... what does that in itself tell you???

The video I want you to watch is called Iraq for sale.. and it covers what seems to be a war of profit and private armys...
Watch this video and you will see exactly how much profit there is being made from this war...
We have military over there already yet they are hiring private protection companies (small privcate armies) they are hiring contractors to do the work of the military for even more money.. so wait..
We have our military there to do a job that they are paid to do, then we have the government hiring ourtside priavate contracters at more than 3 times the price to do that same job? Were not talking peanuts here were talking millions a time! Why do we need the regular army and private armies too? Is our military so crap??

Watch the film and ask yourself the following questions.. and I urge you to research this carefully.

1. Why would you hire privateers to do the work of the military?
2. Follow the links in the companies mentioned.. Who owns what, who know's who and find out who and what people stand to gain from this subcontracting...
3. Ask why they would use inferior untrained interegators..

Think of your own questions also.. thats why your're here.. to ask questions... watch the film and question everything for yourselves...

I have asked myself the above questions and I have my answers.. but its up to you to find out for yourselves.. I'm not here to spoon feed you crap like the government would..!!!

One question I urge you to ask and it doesnt just apply to this vide but to most of them...
Why when ever anybody official is questioned about any clouded issue they nearly always either, answer with other questions avoiding the question they have actually been asked but instead try to lead away form the subject or they run away and terminate the interviews or just plain refuse to talk or be interviewed...

Isnt that the actions of a guilty criminal in an interview room... "No Comment"... If it were me and you being asked those questions we would be assumed guilty, but if its some big suit its okay?
Another point is why is it that the sheep (thats what I call people who swallow what they are told) and the government, just never give answers, during any debate? They will result in cheap insults rather than fact, they use slander as there main defence trying to assinate a persons character rather than debate and answer the questions that they truly cannot answer or refuse to answer, again trying to change the subject.. But.. on the other hand we "conspiracy nuts" attack with facts, facts usually lead to more questions and we ask them.. we do not result in character attacks but instead argue with the facts and questions.... Hmmm strange that isnt it!!!!

Watch the films... Ask the questions!!

IRAQ FOR SALE - Watch Me Now!

Peace Citizens


Luz said...

Hi there! I´ve really enjoyed reading your blog. You do make a point, don´t you? It just happens that I can´t sit and watch how our world goes to the dogs either.
Regards from the other side of the planet.
Luz from Argentina.

The Silencer said...

Greetings friend!
Hey, glad I'm actually reaching people... your comments let me know I'm not alone!
I try just to put things in thier simplest form and hope that people understand me and from your comments I seem to be doing just that!
If you pussyfoot around, people just don't get the seriousness of the point I'm trying to make.

Wow.. Argentina.. another country to add to the fight!
Lets wake up the world!!!!

Thanks for your comments Luz.. hope to see you back again soon!!!

MR.X said...

Hey I own this dvd!

Bought it at the same time I bought terrorstorm.

This is the real motive behind war. Money.

They dont give a dam about the "poor" troops, just how to make a buck off suffering.